Meeting venue and accommodation
Hotel ILF ***
Budějovická 15
Prague 4
Czech Republic
About the Hotel ILF
Hotel ILF is likely the best place in Prague to organize such a workshop. It offers all the necessary facilities residing in one and the same building. All meals and drinks are served in the hotel and the bar is open non-stop. Facilities for the workshop are in an adjunct, but separate wing of the hotel. These include one large conference hall with 130 seats that is surrounded by a ring of smaller conference rooms encompassing a transmission video room for lectures, room with computers and printers, room for speakers to prepare their talks, two rooms for 70-80 posters so that there is enough space for "comfortable" discussions, and a room of local organisers, who will assist the participants of the workshop (several members of the local team will be present in the hotel throughout the duration of the workshop and will be helping the participants), and the room for sponsors. In addition, there is ample space to serve drinks and snacks. This makes the hotel a convenient place, which is of the right size where the participants are able to interact and discuss as much as possible, and are not disturbed by non-participants.
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Accommodation booking
Please, do not arrange accommodation yourself. The workshop organisers have negotiated a special package for lodging and full board with Hotel ILF at a reduced price available to both invited speakers and participants accepted by application. The accepted applicants will be accommodated in double rooms (either two women or two men).