Oral presentations are always accompanied by PowerPoint presentations. The speakers are entirely responsible for the presentation content (order, graphics etc…). Once on-site at the congress, every speaker should verify that the name of the room and the time of the session have not changed within the final program.

For your presentation

All presentations and questions must be delivered in English, as English is the official language of the congress.

Format of your presentation

Please make sure your presentation is in a widely used and compatible format. Please prepare your presentation, preferably using PowerPoint version 2016, 2013 or 2010 (although versions 2007 / 2003 are also supported).

Supported file types:

  • Presentation: PPT, PPA, PPTA, PPTX, PDF
  • Video: AVI, MPG, MKV, MOV, MP4, WMV
  • Audio: WMA, MP3, WAV
  • Pictures: JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF

The format of the screens to be used is 16:9. Presentations prepared in 4:3 format can be shown, however be aware that they will not be shown on the full screen.

Do not forget, when saving your final presentation on a USB stick, to make sure that you include your video files (if any) and all links to any multimedia files. Wi-Fi / Internet connection is not provided in the meeting rooms.

Depositing your file

Your presentation must be handed over to the personnel on a USB stick in the slide preview room as far in advance as possible and two hours BEFORE the beginning of each of your dedicated sessions AT THE LATEST. Any presentations for an early morning session should be handed over the evening before.

Technicians will be available to help you with uploading your presentation into the onsite presentation system and with any modifications needed.

All presentations will be automatically transferred from the slide preview room into the lecture room accordingly.

Opening hours of the slide preview room are:

Thursday, July 21 13:00 – 19:00
Friday, July 22 08:00 – 19:00
Saturday, July 23 08:00 – 19:00
Sunday, July 24 08:00 – 19:00
Monday, July 25 08:00 – 12:00

In the lecture room

Once the presentation is launched on the computer in the slide preview room, you will advance your own slides using the remote control. Please, do NOT come at the last minute with your own computer into the lecture room: you will NOT BE ABLE to connect it. All presentations must be downloaded beforehand.

Once you arrive into the lecture room your presentation will already be uploaded on the presentation screen.

In all lecture rooms you will be assisted by a hall assistant, who will show you how to operate your presentation, remote control etc. Please, do NOT come at the last minute with your own computer you will NOT BE ABLE to connect it. All presentations must be downloaded beforehand in the slide preview room.

All lecture rooms will be accessible 30 minutes before the programme starts.


Please read and respect the following guidelines when preparing your poster.

Poster Dimensions

The maximum poster dimensions allowed are: 90 cm x 120 cm (portrait orientation).

In order to fit the poster board, your poster should not exceed the recommended size. Prepare your material beforehand so that it will fit neatly into the space available and can be easily attached to the board (1m x 2m Velcro board). Thin cardboard is more suitable than paper. The congress organizers will provide suitable fixing materials and on-site assistance will be available to help you display your poster.

Poster Sessions

Poster authors / presenters are expected to be present by their posters during the poster sessions assigned to them (data will be provided soon via email) to present their work and answer any questions from the audience:

Poster sessions are scheduled as follows:

Poster Session I
Friday,  July 22, 13:00 – 14:30 

  • Cancer Cell Biology

  • Cell Biology in Immunology
  • Cell Biology of Ageing
  • Cell Division, Cell Cycle
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Epigenetics
  • Membrane Biology and Trafficking
  • New Technologies, Imaging in Cell Biology

Poster Session II
Saturday,  July 23, 13:00 – 14:30

  • Cell Death, Autophagy, Cell Stress
  • Cell Shape, Cell Polarity and Motility
  • Cell Signalling, Systems and Computational Biology
  • Cells and Tissue Biology
  • Development, Stem Cells
  • DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination
  • Microbial Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Parasitology
  • Nuclear Structure and Function
  • Structural Biology, Protein Folding, Chemical and Synthetic Biology

Poster Session III
Sunday, July 24, 13:00 – 14:30

  • Cell Organelles, Mitochondria
  • Cell-Matrix and Cell-Cell Interactions, Extracellular Matrix
  • Cellular Metabolism in Health and Disease
  • Cellular Neurobiology
  • Gene Expression, RNA Processing, Transcription, Translation      
  • New Therapies, Nanomedicine
  • Non-coding RNAs
  • Plant Cell Biology
  • Regulation and Organization of the Genome
  • Other

Mounting your Poster

Posters will be displayed on 2-sided velcro poster boards; each poster will be given a specific number. Please make sure to mount your poster on the poster board with the number corresponding to the number assigned to your poster (e. g. P 001, P 002 etc.). Concrete poster numbers will be provided via e-mail within two weeks. The poster area will be located on the first floor in the foyers.

Removing your Poster

The congress organizers cannot accept responsibility for any material left behind. The organizers are not responsible for loss or damage to any posters that are not removed by authors within the times of dismantling. Posters left behind will be automatically destroyed.



July 24
Saturday photos has been posted..

July 19
Practical information fully updated.

July 19
A - Z information available.

July 19
Check out the content of our Exhibitor Showcases.

July 15
Details on Congress Dinner published. Tickets will be available at registration desk.

July 1
Just announced! Symposium “Cell Biology Education – Teaching and Training in Research and Scientific Writing

June 28
Best Poster Award!

June 22

Detailed Scientific programme and Guidelines for authors published.






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