Oral Presentations

  • Nuclear Periphery / Nuclear Envelope
  • Chromatin Plasticity and Nuclear Architecture / Nuclear Dynamics and Function
  • Epigenetic Control of Cell Fate / Epigenetics, Cell Fate
  • Chromosome Segregation and Aneuploidy / Cell Division, Chromosomes, Kinetochores and Cell Cycle
  • DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination
  • Dynamics of the Gene Expression Machinery / Transcription, RNA Processing and Nuclear Domains
  • Non-coding RNAs in Health and Disease
  • Structural Biology / Protein Structure and Folding, Chemical and Synthetic Biology
  • Mechanisms of Intracellular Trafficking / Cell Organelles and Membranes
  • Centrioles, Centrosomes and Cilia: Function and Dysfunction
  • Microtubule Organization in Health and Disease
  • Shaping the Cell / Dynamic Control of Cell Shape and Polarity
  • Cell Adhesion Dynamics in Tissue Organization / Cell Adhesion, Tissue Organization
  • Tissue Microenvironment under Physiological Condition and Disease
  • Cell Biology of Metabolic Diseases
  • Pluripotent Stem Cells / Development
  • Lamins and Chromatin during Development and Ageing / Cell Biology of Ageing
  • Cancer Cell Biology
  • Neurons Meeting Glia in Brain Plasticity, Disease and Therapy
  • Cell Biology of Host-Pathogen Interactions / Cell Biology in Immunology
  • Host Cells and Vector Borne Pathogens / Microbial Cell Biology, Parasitology
  • Plant Development and Adaptation / Plant Cell Biology
  • Cell Biology and Nanomedicine / Cell Targeting and Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals
  • Emerging Technologies for Cell Biology
  • Cell Signalling / Systems and Computational Biology

Poster Presentations

  • Nuclear Structure and Function
  • Regulation and Organization of the Genome
  • Epigenetics
  • Cell Division, Cell Cycle
  • DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination
  • Gene Expression, RNA Processing, Transcription, Translation       
  • Non-coding RNAs
  • Structural Biology, Protein Folding, Chemical and Synthetic Biology
  • Membrane Biology and Trafficking
  • Cell Organelles, Mitochondria
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Cell Shape, Cell Polarity and Motility
  • Cell-Matrix and Cell-Cell Interactions, Extracellular Matrix
  • Cells and Tissue Biology
  • Cellular Metabolism in Health and Disease
  • Development, Stem Cells
  • Cell Biology of Ageing
  • Cancer Cell Biology
  • Cellular Neurobiology
  • Cell Biology in Immunology
  • Microbial Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Parasitology
  • Plant Cell Biology
  • New Therapies, Nanomedicine
  • New Technologies, Imaging in Cell Biology
  • Cell Signalling, Systems and Computational Biology
  • Cell Death, Autophagy, Cell Stress
  • Other


July 24
Saturday photos has been posted..

July 19
Practical information fully updated.

July 19
A - Z information available.

July 19
Check out the content of our Exhibitor Showcases.

July 15
Details on Congress Dinner published. Tickets will be available at registration desk.

July 1
Just announced! Symposium “Cell Biology Education – Teaching and Training in Research and Scientific Writing

June 28
Best Poster Award!

June 22

Detailed Scientific programme and Guidelines for authors published.






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